Well hello sweet friends! We are BACK!! What a fun and relaxing time we had. We pretty much did nothing on the cruise. and it was PERFECT! We kinda skipped all the excursions this time around.. and we didn't miss them a bit (not to mention we didn't miss the $$$ cost involved either lol)
So guess what? We are REALLY bad.. we forgot our video camera and our regular camera and my phone died the first day and I left my charger in my car.. didn't think I would need it and WE DIDN'T TAKE ONE PICTURE!!!!! Actually I think Allie took ONE.. just one.. but it's on her phone and she's not really sure how to share it. lol
I can't believe it! I am like the picture taking freak! oh well.. we still have the memories right? I will have to write down in a journal everything we did.
and speaking of things we did.. guess what I DID?? I decided at the last minute to take my portable easel, paints and some canvas so I could do some art on the ship! and I actually did! I even created some stuff in my art journal on the plane ride too. It was fun. I NEVER take my art supplies on family trips. The fun part was my kids got involved and one morning, we had a painting session in my room. We had towels spread out all over the floor and we just painted. I only brought my acrylics, my water soluable pastels, my golden fluids, and my Neo Color Crayons.. so it truly was just painting.. but it was fun. I worked on one of my class projects from a workshop I was taking from Mindy Lacefield. It's a mini workshop called (you can sign up here)
I am really into animals latley.. so I thought this would be fun and it WAS!
okay.. so did you happen to notice my header? YEP! that's right.. I changed it.. decided I Needed a facelift of some sort. I also added all of my workshops to the right sidebar over there.. so you could find them more easily. I am going to be changing some of my sidebar things very soon.. excited to update this old blog..
BUT did you notice my newest addition to my header? My new link? My "etsy" shop? Yep! That is RIGHT!! I have opened a NEW etsy shop!! FINALLY! after a year of wanting too.. needing to I guess.. i finally did it.
Let me tell you why it took me so long though.. this is really personal.. so bare with me.
so you may or may not know that I don't sell any of my original artwork. I actually have only given away a handful of prints. All to really close friends and ONE I donated to an auction for another close friend. AND last year.. I took the plunge and did sell one of my original artwork pieces to a dear friend I had met through my classes.. she emailed me (love you laura) and she pursauded me with a very dear story about how one of my pieces had touched her heart.. I had such a HARD time letting it go.. but after hearing her story and knowing her funny and sweet personality through my classes.. I KNEW it was right and it would be going to a good home. So I sold my first piece of art. Its funny because I teach my art.. I license my artwork, I have sold prints at some of my events before.. but NEVER my originals.
The reason being that they are so dear to my heart! I start to get this ancy feeling in my stomach about letting something I Love so much and that has a story behind it go.. and also selling it to someone I don't know. But latley as I have been organizing my studio to move to my new studio.. I realized I really can't just take all of it because I don't have the space for it. And right now it just sits in piles on shelves. SO then I thought.. well I COULD sell it.. and then again.. had a freak out moment.. of seperation from my art, and someone not loving it as much as I did. SO I stop and cast that idea aside.
Well a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine texted me about a piece of art she had seen on my blog.. she said she really wanted to buy it and told me the reason why. She said she had been going through a really rough time (which I had known about) and that this particular piece when she saw it, helped her to see things in a new light. It brought this ray of sunshine into her life and she really really wanted to purchase it to have as a reminder each day that there is hope and life is beautiful. After talking back and forth I decided to go ahead and sell her the piece. But it got me thinking.. this friend I mentioned was ANOTHER beautiful women I had met through my online classes.. someone who had taken my courses and through them I had found friendship. Then i started thinking.. you know I have found SO many friends through my workshops.. thousands of new friends.. women and even some men and children.. who have never done art before.. who have taken my online classes and other classes and through these have found themselves as artist.. I have countless emails of people finding thier voice and their joy through ART.. and it makes me SO happy! These people are truly people who I care about and consider friends. All of you are friends. So that's when I decided to just go for it.. open up my etsy shop and start selling some of my original pieces.. KNOWING that while they have very special meaning to me.. whoever decided to purchase them will love them just as much. I know because I have started collecting art from some of my favorite artists.. original pieces.. and they are VERy dear to me... and the speak to me and they have special meaning to me. LOVE collecting art from other people. So I have taken the leap and swallowed my anxiety about letting them go.. and realizing that they will be going to wonderful caring homes.. you might laugh at my anxiety over it.. but it's seroiusly a big issue with me.. lol. I'm a dork. I know :)
SO I am starting out small. Just listing a few originals each Week.. or every other week. Right now I only have originals in my store. BUT in the next couple of weeks I will be listing prints as well. Anyhow.. so today is the first day of my shop being open! Yeah!!
I have listed 7 of my originals.. here are just a few of the ones I have chosen for this week.. (eek! I am SO nervous!!)
WHen you go to my etsy shop, i write a little bit of each of the paintings I have listed.. the story behind whey they were created. so you know a little bit more about me :)
Some of these you may have never seen before as they created and shared only in my workshops.. or some of them just for me..
and probably my most favorite one of the bunch.. one that I shared on my blog as a free print in THIS blog post.. and had a LOT of meaning to it..
so there you go! eek! this is exciting and scarry at the same time! lol.. who knows.. maybe that won't even sell.. but at least I am finally cutting some apron strings and letting some of these go.. and realize that through sharing these.. I am also growing myself!
I will let you know when I add new things to the shop! My prints will be coming soon. and will post about it here when they do!
Wednesday I have some fun things to share! So stay tuned!
Happy Tuesday!
What I really like about your blog, Christy, is that you offer tutorials. It's something new because other blogs are afraid that people might copy their work. But you, you share it with others, and that makes me like you more, Christy. Thank you for sharing your talent. You’re a great artist. I hope I can have one of your masterpieces someday.
Posted by: Martinek Yan | January 30, 2013 at 05:41 AM
I know how you feel. I even angry when I may be in a program, people to "touch" my personal things. This is a real problem, so you should be very proud of yourself overcome took the first step. You are an outstanding artists and teachers and your creation is a unique beauty. Don't be nervous, because it will all work itself out and your canvas will sell at any time. Again, you are the reason I am "artist" I hope I today. Her art get me fascinated and fascinating! thank you
Posted by: cheap mlb jerseys | December 17, 2012 at 07:18 PM
Congrats dear
I want it so you a piece of... Guess what? There all gone... Ha ha
Thank you for always sharing and encouraging
Posted by: cheap football jerseys | December 13, 2012 at 08:25 PM
Well, Etsy shop is a complete success... You sell out! One day? Girrrrrllll! Congratulations to you:) oh, welcome back to reality:)
Posted by: jerseys cheap | December 10, 2012 at 01:11 AM
Mrs.Tomlinson, I love your work. I got your "She Art" kit back in July when it was on www.mycraftchanel.com The paper,rub-on,paper doll bits&pieces. I love this kit as it is fun and takes me back to when I was little girl. Thank you so much for sharing your art and self with us. Paper Wishes & Crafty Dreams :0) Brinda in Fishers,IN
Posted by: Brinda | October 09, 2012 at 12:46 AM
so happy to see that your shop is going to be filled with lots of girls...I miss your girls!!!
Posted by: Valerie Johnson | October 08, 2012 at 07:50 PM
I love your spirit ! I really want to tank you for sharing this with us ! I'll hope to do a course on line but i'm not really good in english ! Best regards
Posted by: Lilouscrap | October 07, 2012 at 03:56 AM
I absolutely love your blog.this is just one post I'm commenting on but I just want to tell you that you are one of the most beautiful and passionate people that I look up to..I love reading about your life and begin is pored by your art.thank you so much for sharing..ever since I found out about your blog, I have fallen in love with mixed media and art journalling..
I am a twelve year old from Pakistan who just made a blog so I would love if you could visit: ibreatheit.blogspot.com
Posted by: Duaa | October 06, 2012 at 01:15 AM
I've wanted one of your pieces for a long time! I'm so sad I missed them!
Posted by: Rebecca P | October 04, 2012 at 10:40 PM
I hope I'll be able to sneak in there a get one of your beautiful creations as I missed out this time. You're so talented - I'm loving everything you do!
Posted by: Karen Baumstark | October 03, 2012 at 09:53 PM
When we hold onto our things we don't own them; they end up owning us. It is important to hold onto our things loosely. It is a sign of growth that you are able to let these originals go. Congrats.
Posted by: Suzy | October 03, 2012 at 06:47 PM
This is so great for you! You and your work are truly inspiring. I was wondering if you could speak to why you decided to sell on etsy vs. having your own store on your website? I know you already have a great following, and there is such high competition on etsy. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic.
Lulu Bea
Posted by: Lulu Bea | October 03, 2012 at 01:34 PM
Congratulations! I went to check out your etsy shop and you had already sold out!!!! Way to go :) ox, mary ann
ps - i'm taking mindy's class too - isn't it amazing..love her free style. reminds me of you
Posted by: Mary Ann McNicholas | October 03, 2012 at 12:14 PM
I knew it, I knew by the time I got to the end you'd be sold out. I've taken your She Art class and love creating girls with my daughter. They are just an inkling of how amazing your art is so I'm always inspired when I see new pieces from you. I think you should definitely photograph each one and post them so we can all see them and they can live on in pictures even after they find new homes :)
Posted by: Kim Woods | October 03, 2012 at 08:42 AM
Oh my goodness...one DAY!! In a day, all your original girls are SOLD!!! WOW:) So thrilled for you, but sad for me that I missed the chance to own one! Thank you so much for sharing your work, your art, & most especially, your heart, with all of us, Christy. You are so amazing & so inspiring! And there are still some of us who'd love to give your SheArt originals a home...if you'd like to fill up that Etsy shop again:)
Posted by: Leah C | October 03, 2012 at 08:01 AM
Congratulations on etsy! I totally understand your wanting to keep your art. My grandmother was a silver jewelry maker and didn't mind exhibiting her unique designs in shows but never wanted to sell her work, although people always wanted to buy it. As you say many people are really touched by other's art - maybe even in ways the artist can never know.That's actually one of the most amazing things about art isn't it. And look how lightning fast your lovely paintings sold!!! Hope you make prints! BTW am loving the pumpkins class, hugs, Karen
Posted by: Karen | October 03, 2012 at 12:45 AM
Christy, Congratulations on opening your new etsy shop. I can understand your apprehension, but I am sure you have nothing to worry about. I love not only all of your paintings and prints, but all of your products. They are so amazing and so inspirational.
Posted by: Gemma maggs | October 02, 2012 at 10:37 PM
This is exciting news. Puleeze, PALEEZE, sell your bracelets in your Etsy shop? I am never going to have time to do the class I signed up for but I would buy the bracelets already made!
Posted by: LISA REED | October 02, 2012 at 08:55 PM
Christy... amazing blog... glad you forgot all of the technology. Welcome home... looking forward to going to your etsy shop... when it has things in it..LOL... Thanks for sharing your amazing...
Posted by: Trish Duncan | October 02, 2012 at 07:55 PM
I can resonate with how you fee, Christy. I find it hart to let go of my original paintings, too. But know this, when the art is sold, that's how the world can see the beauty and truth you share through your art. And prints simply can't compare with an original.
Posted by: Lucy Chen | October 02, 2012 at 07:44 PM