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October 17, 2013



Love your 30 day face challenge, think it will be a great idea for me to try after Christmas. Just too many things going on right now. I follow you on FB but always love reading your blog posts for more details. You really are an inspiration to many.

Laura Strack

I don't follow you on Instagram or Facebook or I don't always check them but I do look forward to your Blog post. They are always inspiring. Love your 30 Day Challenge. I'd be running to my studio too, but obviously the reward has been worth all those late night art sessions. I might have to give this a go. Thank you!!

Love the faces on your girls, Christy. There is so much depth in there eyes and the set of their mouths. Looks like a lot is being worked out through your challenge.

Becca Boriscrapbookera

I wish I could make it to the Retreats... Maybe when the kids get out from college (my youngest one is 16 month old!. You dont have a clue of how much your work inspired me! You were one of the first artist I discover at youtube. I fall inlove with your creations. I am totally going to take the challenge of one girl/face a day! I will start tomorrow Sunday!
Thanks again for so much inspitarion!


I'm definitely learning that with a household to manage, kids, etc... time just flies ... so it's definitely important to make time to create! Thanks for sharing - beautiful girls!

totally can relate-- I didn;t think we became artists to spend all our time on the computer and yet I spend so much of my time in front of this screen editing my listings, writing posts (though less lately), etc etc!

been stalking your beautiful and funny pics on instagram and may be up for a challenge...

Donna Howard

I love your girls Christy, it's so interesting to see the different products you've used to create them. I had lunch with a girlfriend today and as we walked by the gift shop I recognized several of your products there. What fun it was to tell my friend I was taking some of your online workshops. I'm looking forward to hearing about your new art retreats and hopeful I'll be one of the lucky ones to attend. ♥

susan schultheis

Wow Christy, you inspire me so. It was YOU who started me on this art journey. I would just love to attend a retreat at your home but I live in Maryland so far away. One day maybe I can cross a retreat with you off my bucket list. Love all your girls above and love everything you haven't even made yet. LOL Sue


Loved reading this Christy; I am hopeful that someday I can share what I create - but I know I need lots of practice. I loved seeing how all the "real" artists that I follow have to "practice" too - and I definitely how see the art has changed over the years. It gives me hope that I practice for a reason. Thanks for sharing from the heart.

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