I am sure most of you have heard about the "one little word" project.. a friend of mine, Ali Edwards started a few years ago. I always loved the concept.. where she would pick a word and then that word became the theme for her for that year. In-fact she is offering a class on it right now.. I am thinking about taking it. I actually have never done the word thing.. not sure why..but this year, I have decided to jump on the band wagon and pick myself a word. A word that will inspire me, motivate me, remind me and push me. And can I be frank about something? Coming up with a word isn't easy!! In-fact I had almost decided to scratch the word idea..but then I was reminded of a quote my friend gave me recently, "sometimes you just have to leap and build your wings on the way down" (thanks tiff!).
And that was it... leap. My word for 2011 is LEAP!! I think sometimes my fears and concerns tend to hold me back a bit. That might surprise some of you that know me well, but honestly my fears do. I go over and over.. what if it doesn't turn out the way it should, what if I can't learn how to do it well, what if no one likes it, what if i get hurt in the process .. what if! And my what ifs.. in the end.. put me back in my house, where it's safe and nice and things are just as they should be.
Well this year, I have some big dreams and wants and wishes.. they are ones I have had for while now, but have been to afraid to do. Why? probably because they won't turn out exactly how I want them to, but the beauty of dreams are that they evolve, they grow with us. I truly believe the they all turn out exactly as the SHOULD be.. not always as we want them to be. So I am going to leap this year.. I'm going to leap and build those wings on my way down and then I'm going to fly!
I created this canvas this past week, as a reminder to leap and build and fly.. I think we all need reminders.. don't we?
Thanks again Tiffany for this quote.. it is a very gentle reminder that things don't have to be perfect before we can move forward. We don't always have to know things before we try them. We don't even have to know what they look like before we start.. sometimes.. it's perfectly lovely.. to jump into the unknown with both feet and enjoy what happens as we build those wings. I am sure not all of my dreams for this year will turn out as I have them envisioned.. and I am okay with that. I truly am. I might even find that I will be even happier if they don't. I just need the reminder to leap in the first place or I will never know. So dude.. let's do it.. I am So ready to fly!