First off.. Friends.. can I just say WOW!! and THANK YOU!!! from the bottom of my heart and Allie's heart!!!
THANK You so much for your sweet generous purchases of her Vintage Earrings in her Etsy shop!
Because of YOU, she was able to raise MORE than enough to go to camp.. in-fact enough that she is going to use the rest of it, to pay for her cousin to go to camp with her! SO HUGE HUGE THANK YOU!! YOU not only helped her raise money for just one person to go to a life changing youth camp.. but TWO!
you guys seriously.. truly rock! thank you so much!
by the way.. the response to her shop was INSANE and she ended up with way more orders than she expected, so they may be a few days later than expected. She has to handmade each one (they aren't pre-made, so you can choose the style of the earring back). So she has been working hard all weekend, but still has a lot to do before she can ship! so thank you again..
SO what else is new? We have finally released our 2014 Fall She Matters Dates! Many of you have been waiting since February for us to list them, and a few weeks ago I did a blog post about why we hadn't yet asWe had been waiting for our son Braden, to get his 2 year LDS mission call! You can read more about that in that blog post (and what his 2 year mission will entail). Missionaries don't get to pick the day they leave for their mission, and because of that, I DIDN'T"T want him to get his call and find out he was leaving the week before, the week of, or the week after the retreat!
That would be an emotional wreck of HUGE sorts for everyone.. but especially me! lol
He actually kept telling me to just announce the dates, because ALL of his friends had gotten their calls and they were all leaving in early to mid summer. Our First retreat date was set for the Week of September 10th.. and he was SURE there was no way he was leaving that far away..
well.. guess what?? lol. HE IS! he is leaving SEPTEMBER 10th!!! I am SO glad I waited!! lol.. oh that would have been a BIG old mess to reschedule! lol. He got hismission call during our last retreat and he is going to ........ (watch the video!!)
We are all so excited for SO many reason.. one of which that is the ONE place he requested we go as a family this summer before his mission, because there are many church history sites there.. very significant to the church.. including the Sacred Grove and Hill Camorah, which is an amazing experience to visit. So when he read he was going to this mission.. we all just screamed for joy! he also felt strongly he would be going to New York State.. which is just simply crazy.. so it was an emotional day for us!
So Proud of him and his decision to go! it was just a REALLY neat night.. having all of the retreat girls there.. and all of Braden's friends and our family.. just way cool
So NOW onto our Fall She Matters Retreats!!
as I mentioned.. because of Braden's date of entering the mission, we had to do some moving and figuring out.. so our two fall retreats will be in October and November of this year! Just 3 weeks within each other. Going to be FUN!
Besides our She Matters Fall retreats here in our home, I will also be teaching three other classes this summer/fall (not retreats.. just one and two day classes).. one in Australia, one in Edmonton,Canada, and one in California. I will be posting in the next little while when they are officially announced. We will also have our Mexico Retreat announced sometime in the next few months as well! that will be in Feb of 2015.
Before I list the links to the fall retreats.. please know that I have already sent these out to those on a wait-list from previous retreats and those who emailed to be put on the list. So we only have a few spots left!
We currently only have ONE spot left in our October Retreat (updated.. SOLD OUT)
.. and 4 spots left in the November retreat (updated.. Sold out!)
*if you would like to be put on the waitlist for either retreats, please email me at [email protected]
We would LOVE to have you join us in the last few spots!
Here is the link!
She Matters Fall Retreats
Thanks again truly for all your support of me and my family. So many of you commented and were so happy for braden when I posted his video on Instagram and youtube. IT REALLY meant a lot to him! Also SO grateful for you support allie in her fundraising efforts as well! AND ben and I!! In our SHe Matters retreats! THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!