We hope you are having a great weekend at CKU Reunion. You are an amazingly talented artist. Thank you for inspiring us each month.
Here are a few cards that we made with your awesome Scarlet Lime kits:
from Dena (using the pretty October Main kit)
from Lori (she combined products from the August, September, and October main kits).
from Mimi (she added in some mixed media items from the shop with products from both October kits).
from Melanie (she used the October Main kit).
from Rachel (she used the September Main kit)
To help celebrate Christy's special day, please leave a comment letting us know your favorite birthday tradition. A winner will be randomly chosen and will win a $25 gift certificate to the Scarlet Lime shop! The winner will be announced Nov. 1st. :)
Hello all! This is Christy today! I wanted to come tell you about a fun thing I amd doing this fall!
So many of you that are in the papercrafting industry.. or have been.. remember way back when.. when I taught at the events.. CKU. Creating Keepsakes University.I use to travel and teach for Chatterbox.. the company I worked for at the time.. teaching mini albums and other papercafting classes. Well earlier this year, they approached me about coming to a CKU Reunion event to teach and help celebrate 10 years of CKU's!!! I was EXTREMELY excited.. however my first thought.. was.. well I don't scrapbook though? and so I was even MORE thrilled to find out they wanted me to teach my mixed media art! I decided to teach this fun 8x8, deep edge canvas class.. the house class. Because for those who are just starting into mixed media class.. this is a GREAT class to get your feet wet with.
You will get to use products from some awesome sponsors.. like Faber Castell, Ranger, Unity Stamps, DecoArt... it's gonna be a SUPER fun class!
The event is this October.. 27-29th.. in warm and sunny San Diego (and my hubby gets to come with me)..
Oh! The other cool thing about this event is that they are incorporating all kinds of artsy stuff! Like Jewelry and fabric classes too. I have seen some of the stuff and wow.. so cool! So maybe I will get to see you there! In Warm Sunny California (okay.. so it' might not be too warm or too sunny.. but I can guarantee you it will be warmer than Idaho! lol). The thing I am most excited for is seeing all of my old papercrafting friends! the students AND the other teachers coming. We sure has some really great times back in the day.. some of the best people I know! So check it out.. hopefully I will see you there..
Well it's friday and my husband is out of town for the rest of the weekend (he left yesterday for a hiking trip). So it's just me and the kiddos and my baby brother who is going to keep my company (He doesn't know it yet.. but I thought it would be a fun way to spend the weekend.. lol). Tonight is the Boise State Football game.. and I don't miss those.. so I know what I will be doing. Maybe tomorrow I will find some "will power" to clean this dang office. Seriously folks. If you saw it. Yikes. seriously Yikes.
Hello Scarlet Lime Blog!! okay.. so are you ready for some fun today? I was in my studio yesterday morning, taping this fun "short" Behind the Art video.. on how to use Stencils & Masks.. and when I got done and went to sit and edit the "short" video..it ended up being almost 45 minutes long! lol
I kept thinking.. what am I going to edit out because youtube only allows for 15 minute videos to up be uploaded?? Well folks.. I tried.. but I just couldn't do it! So today I am presenting to you not one.. but THREE Behind the Art videos! lol Keep in mind, they are not like my last Behind the Art Video.. where it was all in fast forward. This is all complete tutorial and instruction.. so joy joy.. you get to here me talk the entire time.. lol.. (and I only laugh because as I played it back and listened to it.. I was like.. oh christy.. really? did you just say that? lol).. but it is what it is .. just like my Workshops videos.. it's uncut.. unedited.. so you know they are going to be tons of fun!
So the reason behind the Stencil and Mask Tutorial is because...as you know.. we just offered a two-day sale in the Scarlet Lime Shop.. (20% off all stencils and masks in the store)..
and I thought it would be fun to show everyone how to use all of those fun little goodies they just purchased. I had planned on posting this yesterday while thesale was still on, so that those who didn't know WHAt stencils they wanted to get.. could see how the are used and then decide.. but it took me WAY longer to edit and upload the videos to youtube.. so I didn't.. (Sorry :().. soooooo.. guess what? I am going to break the rules a bit and extend the sale for one more day..(Just don't tell ben.. lol).. its a DIFFERENT coupon code than the one available yesterday..
(it's just for you, Scarlet Lime Blog Peeps! :))..
Okay! enought talk.. hope you enjoy the videos! There are three parts.. so watch Part one first .. then two.. then three :) It will make more sense that way..
well.. enjoy your day! and don't forget to get signed up for the Pay it Forward giveaway on my personal blog.. in my post previous post here
Hello all of you wonderful Scarlet Lime gals and guys! I am so excited to launching this new blog for you all! Bare with us as we start out february in the middle of CHA. Most of us (including me.) are attending the CHA show in Los Angeles.. so these next two weeks maybe be a little scattered.. but hopefully by the end of the month you will have plenty of inspiration and giveaways and tutorials.. you won't know what to do with! lol
Before we get started.. you may have noticed the Scarlet Lime Badge at the right! Make sure to grab that code and put it on your blogs or websites! We are going to have a giveaway soon that will involve it! Yipee! It looks like this...
and speaking of Tutorials, I thought I would start off with our very first tutorial. This was in our recent newsletter, but I thought it would be fun to put it here on the blog too, to archive it for you for future use!
If you haven't seen it yet, this is a REALLY fun mixed media piece using the January Frugal Fab kit! SEROUS LY.. you think our kits are only for Papercrafting? no way.. we are launching into the fun world of mixed media as well and will be showing you every month tutorials on how to create mixed media with your kits! Plus we will be offering mixed media kits as well!
Hope you enjoy this first one!
It's called; Love is in the Air
This Tutorial was too long to do in one video.. so I created two!